PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer

Ihr Spezialist für Knie-, Hüft- und Fussbehandlungen in Zürich

PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer ist Facharzt FMH für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie & Leiter und Inhaber des Fachzentrums Ortho am See.

Er ist ausgewiesener Experte und behandelt Patientinnen und Patienten bei Knie-, Hüft- und Fussbeschwerden in Zürich seit 2006 nach klar definierten Werten und Philosophie.


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PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer

PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer

Facharzt FMH für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Spezialgebiete: Knie-, Hüft- und Fusschirurgie.


Deutsch & Englisch


  • Seit 2006 Belegarzt an der Klinik Pyramide am See, Leiter des Zentrums für Gelenk- und Sportchirurgie
  • 2001 - 2006 CHARITÉ - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Zentrum für spezielle Chirurgie des Bewegungsapparates
  • 1999 - 2001 University of Florida USA, Department of Surgery
  • 1997 - 1999 Universitätsspital Zürich, Klinik für Unfallchirurgie

Aus- & Weiterbildung

  • 2006 Zertifikat Fusschirurgie (D.A.F.)
  • 2006 Habilitation an der CHARITÉ - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • 2006 Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
  • 2004 Facharzt für Chirurgie
  • 2003 Instruktor für Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
  • 1998 Promotion zum Doktor der Medizin
  • 1996 Amerikanische Staatsexamen (Step I and II)
  • 1996 Schweizerische Staatsexamen
  • 1990 - 1996 Medizinstudium an der Universität Freiburg und Zürich


  • FMH: Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum
  • SIS: Surgical Infection Society
  • D.A.F.: Deutsche Assoziation für Fuss und Sprunggelenk
  • ZGO: Zürcher Gesellschaft für orthopädische Chirurgie
  • SGO: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie


  • I Mrosewski, N Jork, K Gorte, C Conrad, E Wiegand, B Kohl, W Ertel, T John, A Oberholzer, C Kaps, G Schulze-Tanzil: Regulation of osteoarthritis-associated key mediators by TNFα and IL-10: effects of IL-10 overexpression in human synovial fibroblasts and a synovial cell line. Cell Tissue Res. 2014; 357:207-23: (IF: 3,7)
  • SK Tschoeke, T Drogies, B Meyer, M Hellmuth, W Ertel, PF Stahel, A Oberholzer, A Hostmann: Severe head injury promotes early caspase-dependent apoptosis in peripheral blood monocytes from multiply injured patients. J of Organ Dysfunction. 2009; 1047-1079: (IF: )
  • RD Müller, T John, B Kohl, A Oberholzer, T Gust, A Hostmann, M Hellmuth, D Laface, B Hutchins, G Laube, RW Veh, SK Tschoeke, W Ertel, G Schulze-Tanzil: IL-10 overexpression differentially affects cartilage matrix gene expression in response to TNF-alpha in human articular chondrocytes in vitro. Cytokine. 2008; 44:377-385: (IF: 2.5)
  • SK Tschoeke, C Oberholzer, D Laface, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer, A Oberholzer: Endogenous IL-10 Regulates Sepsis-induced Thymic Apoptosis and Improves Survival in Septic IL-10 Null Mice. Scand J Immunol. 2008; 68:565-571: (IF: 2.2)
  • Y Robinson, Matenov A, SK Tschoeke, A Weinmann, A Oberholzer, W Ertel, A Hostmann: Impaired erythropoiesis after haemorrhagic shock in mice is associated with erythroid progenitor apoptosis in vivo. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008, 52:605-613: (IF: 2.4) 
  • SK Tschoeke, M Hellmuth, A Hostmann, Y Robinson, W Ertel, A Oberholzer, CH Heyde: Apoptosis of human intervertebral discs after trauma compares to degenerated discs involving both receptor-mediated and mitochondrial-dependent pathways. J Orthop Res. 2008, 26:999-1006: (IF: 2.9) 
  • A Hostmann, K Jasse, G Schulze-Tanzil, Y Robinson, A Oberholzer, W Ertel, SK Tschoeke: Biphasic Onset of Splenic Apoptosis following Hemorrhagic Shock: Critical Implications for Bax, Bcl-2 and Mcl-1. Crit Care. 2008, 12:R8: (IF: 4.7)
  • T John, RD Müller, A Oberholzer, H Zreiqat, B Kohl, A Hostmann, SK Tschoeke, G Schulze-Tanzil: Interleukin-10 modulates pro-apoptotic effects of TNF-alpha in human articular chondrocytes in vitro. Cytokine. 2007; 40:226-234: (IF: 2.5)
  • SK Tschoeke, A Oberholzer: Dendritic cell immunotherapy for acute inflammatory diseases. Current Medical Chemistry - Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents. 2007; 6:161-168: (IF: 4.1)
  • SK Tschoeke, M Hellmuth, A Hostmann, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: The Early Second Hit in Trauma Management Augments the Proinflammatory Immune Response to Multiple Injuries. J Trauma. 2007; 62:1396-1404: (IF: 2.4)
  • SK Tschoeke, A Oberholzer: Gene therapy for treatment of acute inflammatory immune response. Orthopade. 2007; 36:259-264: (IF: 0.5)
  • A Oberholzer, T John, B Kohl, T Gust, RD Muller, D La Face, B Hutchins, H Zreiqat, W Ertel, G Schulze-Tanzil: Adenoviral transduction is more efficient in alginate-derived chondrocytes than in monolayer chondrocytes. Cell Tissue Res. 2007; 328:383-390: (IF: 3.7) 
  • Y Robinson, M Reinke, CE Heyde, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Traumatic proximal tibiofibular joint dislocation treated by open reduction and temporary fixation: a case report. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2007; 15:199-201: (IF: 2.7)
  • Y Robinson, A Hostmann , A Matenov,  W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Erythropoiesis in multiply injured patients. J Trauma 2006; 61:1285-1291: (IF: 2.4)
  • PF Stahel, A Oberholzer, SJ Morgan, CE Heyde: Concepts of transtibial amputation: burgess technique versus modified bruckner procedure. ANZ J Surg 2006; 76:942-946: (IF: 1,5)
  • A Oberholzer, P Stahel, SK Tschoeke, W Ertel: Stellenwert der Gentherapie in Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie. Unfallchirurgie 2006; 109:521-527: (IF: 0.6)
  • CE Heyde, SK Tschoeke, M Hellmuth, A Hostmann, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Trauma Induces Apoptosis in Human Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Discs. BMC Clin Pathol 2006; 23:6. (IF: 2.2)
  • SK Tschoeke, Oberholzer A, Moldawer LL: Interleukin-18: A novel prognostic cytokine in bacteria-induced sepsis. Crit Care Med 2006; 34:1225-1233. (IF: 6.1)
  • C Oberholzer, Tschoeke SK, Moldawer LL, Oberholzer A: Local thymic caspase-9 inhibition improves survival during polymicrobial sepsis in mice. J Mol Med 2006; 2:1-7. (IF: 4.8) 
  • U Felderhoff-Muser, Schmidt OI, Oberholzer A, Buhrer C, Stahel PF: IL-18: a key player in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration? Trends Neurosci 2005; 28:487-493. (IF: 13.6)
  • A Oberholzer, Souza SM, Tschoeke SK, Oberholzer C, Abouhamze A, Pribble JP, Moldawer LL: Plasma cytokine measurements augment prognostic scores as indicators of outcome in patients with severe sepsis. Shock 2005; 23:488-493. (IF: 2.6)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, PA Efron,  PO Scumpia, K Bahjat, R Ungaro, CL Tannahill, M Murday, FR Bahjat, D LaFace, V Tsai,  B Hutchins, LL Moldawer, MJ Clare-Salzler: Functional modification of dendritic cells with recombinant adenovirus encoding interleukin-10 for the treatment of sepsis. Shock 2005; 23:507-515. (IF: 2.6)
  • C Oberholzer, SK Tschoeke, K Bahjat, FR Bahjat,  M Murday, D LaFace, B Hutchins, MJ Clare-Salzler LL Moldawer,  A Oberholzer: In vivo transduction of thymic dendritic cells with adenovirus and its potential use in acute inflammatory diseases. Scand J Immunol. 2005; 61:309-15. (IF: 2.2)
  • C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, SK Tschoeke, RM Minter, FR Bahjat, D LaFace, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer: Influence of recombinant adenovirus on liver injury in endotoxicosis and its modulation by IL-10 expression. J Endotoxin Res. 2004; 10:393-401. (IF: 2.7)
  • J Feezor, C Oberholzer, H Baker, D Novick, M Rubinstein, LL. Moldawer, J Pribble, S Souza, Ch Dinarello, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Molecular characterization of the acute inflammatory response to Gram negative versus Gram positive bacterial infections. Infect Immun. 2003; 71:5803-13. (IF 4.1)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, KS Bahjat, R Ungaro, CL Tannahill, M Murday, FR Bahjat, Z Abouhamze, V Tsai, D LaFace, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer, MJ Clare-Salzler: Increased survival in sepsis by in vivo adenovirus-induced expression of IL-10 in dendritic cells. J Immunol. 2002, 168:3412-8. (IF: 5.5)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Interleukin-10: A complex role in the pathogenesis of sepsis syndromes and its potential as anti-inflammatory drug. Crit Care Med. 2002; 30:S58-63. (IF: 6.1)
  • A Oberholzer, U Steckholzer, O Trentz, W Ertel: Interleukin-18 plasma levels are increased in patients with sepsis compared to severely injured patients. Shock. 2001; 16:411-4. (IF: 2.6)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, FR Bahjat, CK Edwards, LL Moldawer: Genetic determinants of lipopolysaccharide and D-galactosamine-mediated hepatocellular apoptosis and lethality. J Endotoxin Res. 2001; 7:375-80. (IF: 2.7)
  • C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, FR Bahjat, CL Tannahill, D LaFace, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer: Targeted adenovirus-induced expression of IL-10 decreases thymic apoptosis and improves survival in murine sepsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001; 98:11503-11508. (IF: 9.7)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Sepsis Syndromes: Understanding the Role of Innate and Acquired Immunity. Shock. 2001; 16:83-96. (IF: 2.6)
  • RM Minter, MA Ferry, ME Murday, CL Tannahill, FR Bahjat, C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, D LaFace, B Hutchins, S Wen, J Shinoda , EM 3rd  Copeland, LL Moldawer: Adenoviral delivery of human and viral IL-10 in murine sepsis. J Immunol. 2001; 167: 1053-1059. (IF: 5.5)
  • C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, M. Clare-Salzler, LL Moldawer: Apoptosis in sepsis: a new target for therapeutic exploration. FASEB J. 2001; 15:879-892. (IF: 5.7)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, RM Minter, LL Moldawer: Reconsidering immunomodulatory therapies in the septic patient: Should apoptosis be a potential therapeutic target? Immunol Lett. 2001; 75:221-223. (IF: 2.6)
  • RM Minter, MA Ferry, JE Rectenwald, FR Bahjat, A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, D LaFace, V Tsai, CM Ahmed, B Hutchins, EM 3rd Copeland, HS Ginsberg, LL Moldawer: Extended lung expression and increased tissue localization of viral IL-10 with adenoviral gene therapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001; 98:277-282. (IF: 9.7)
  • A Oberholzer, L Haerter, A Feilner, U Steckholzer, M Kurimoto, O Trentz, W Ertel: Differential effect of caspase inhibition on proinflammatory cytokine release in septic patients. Shock. 2000; 14:253-258. (IF: 2.6)
  • A Oberholzer, A Feilner, H Hentze, U Steckholzer, M Kurimoto, O Trentz, W Ertel: Sepsis after severe injury interrupts caspase-dependent processing of interleukin-18. J Trauma. 2000; 49:11-17. (IF: 2.4)
  • W Ertel, A Oberholzer, A Platz, R Stocker, O Trentz: Incidence and clinical pattern of the abdominal compartment syndrome after “damage-control” laparotomy in 311 patients with severe abdominal and/or pelvic trauma. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28:1747-1753. (IF: 6.1)
  • A Oberholzer, M Keel, R Zellweger, U Steckholzer, O Trentz, W Ertel: Incidence of septic complications and multiple organ failure in severely injured patients is sex specific. J Trauma. 2000; 48:932-937. (IF: 2.4)
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Cytokine Signaling -- regulation of the immune response in normal and critically ill patients. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28:N3-12. (IF: 6.1)


  • A Oberholzer, W. Ertel: Abdominelles Kompartment. In „Chirurgie – Basisweiterbildung“. Jauch, K.W., Mutschler W., Wichmann M. (eds), Springer, 2007, pp 341-347
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer LL: Activation of the innate response in critical illness. In: Immunology and Infectious Disease. Doughty, L.A., Linden, P.(eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 19-40.
  • A Oberholzer, W Ertel: Gentherapie in der Unfallchirurgie. In: Unfallchirurgie. Trentz, Wagner, Rüter (eds.), Urban und Schwarzenberg, 2. überarbeitete Auflage, 2003, pp. 493-501.
  • A Oberholzer, W Ertel: Das abdominelle Kompartmentsyndrom. In: Intensivmedizin. Eckart, Forst, Burchadi (eds.), Ecomed Verlag, 2003, pp 1-11
  • A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, W Ertel: Immunotherapy: new concepts and agents. In: Sepsis and Multiple Organ Dysfunction – a Multidisciplinary Approach. Deitch E.A., Vincent J.L., Windsor A.C.J. (eds.), W.B. Saunders / Hartcourt Health Sciences, 2002, pp. 326-38.
  • C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Gene therapy for applications for the treatment of acute inflammatory conditions. In: Gene Therapy for Acute and Acquired Diseases. Factor P.H. (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001, pp. 225-46.

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