PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer
PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer ist Facharzt FMH für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Unfallchirurgie. Er ist Inhaber des Fachzentrums "Ortho am See" und leitet es zusammen mit seiner Frau, Dr. med. Caroline Oberholzer.
PD Dr. med. Andreas Oberholzer hat seine Aus- und Weiterbildung zum Facharzt FMN für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Unfallchirurgie in Zürich und in den USA absolviert. Er hat an der Charité in Berlin habilitiert und war dort auch mehrere Jahre im Zentrum für spezielle Chirurgie des Bewegungsapparates tätig.
Im Verlauf der letzten 20 Jahre hat sich PD Dr. Oberholzer eine umfangreiche Expertise aufgebaut und sich auf Knie-, Hüft- und Fussbeschwerden spezialisiert. Er behandelt Patientinnen und Patienten ganzheitlich und orientiert sich dabei stets an hohen Qualitäts- und Ethik-Standards: Werten und Philosophie.
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PD Dr. med. Andreas L. Oberholzer
Facharzt FMH für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Spezialgebiete: Knie-, Hüft- und Fusschirurgie.
Deutsch & Englisch
- Seit 2006 Belegarzt an der Klinik Pyramide am See, Leiter des Zentrums für Gelenk- und Sportchirurgie
- 2001 - 2006 CHARITÉ - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Zentrum für spezielle Chirurgie des Bewegungsapparates
- 1999 - 2001 University of Florida USA, Department of Surgery
- 1997 - 1999 Universitätsspital Zürich, Klinik für Unfallchirurgie
Aus- & Weiterbildung
- 2006 Zertifikat Fusschirurgie (D.A.F.)
- 2006 Habilitation an der CHARITÉ - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- 2006 Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
- 2004 Facharzt für Chirurgie
- 2003 Instruktor für Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
- 1998 Promotion zum Doktor der Medizin
- 1996 Amerikanische Staatsexamen (Step I and II)
- 1996 Schweizerische Staatsexamen
- 1990 - 1996 Medizinstudium an der Universität Freiburg und Zürich
- FMH: Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum
- SIS: Surgical Infection Society
- D.A.F.: Deutsche Assoziation für Fuss und Sprunggelenk
- ZGO: Zürcher Gesellschaft für orthopädische Chirurgie
- SGO: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie
- I Mrosewski, N Jork, K Gorte, C Conrad, E Wiegand, B Kohl, W Ertel, T John, A Oberholzer, C Kaps, G Schulze-Tanzil: Regulation of osteoarthritis-associated key mediators by TNFα and IL-10: effects of IL-10 overexpression in human synovial fibroblasts and a synovial cell line. Cell Tissue Res. 2014; 357:207-23: (IF: 3,7)
- SK Tschoeke, T Drogies, B Meyer, M Hellmuth, W Ertel, PF Stahel, A Oberholzer, A Hostmann: Severe head injury promotes early caspase-dependent apoptosis in peripheral blood monocytes from multiply injured patients. J of Organ Dysfunction. 2009; 1047-1079: (IF: )
- RD Müller, T John, B Kohl, A Oberholzer, T Gust, A Hostmann, M Hellmuth, D Laface, B Hutchins, G Laube, RW Veh, SK Tschoeke, W Ertel, G Schulze-Tanzil: IL-10 overexpression differentially affects cartilage matrix gene expression in response to TNF-alpha in human articular chondrocytes in vitro. Cytokine. 2008; 44:377-385: (IF: 2.5)
- SK Tschoeke, C Oberholzer, D Laface, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer, A Oberholzer: Endogenous IL-10 Regulates Sepsis-induced Thymic Apoptosis and Improves Survival in Septic IL-10 Null Mice. Scand J Immunol. 2008; 68:565-571: (IF: 2.2)
- Y Robinson, Matenov A, SK Tschoeke, A Weinmann, A Oberholzer, W Ertel, A Hostmann: Impaired erythropoiesis after haemorrhagic shock in mice is associated with erythroid progenitor apoptosis in vivo. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008, 52:605-613: (IF: 2.4)
- SK Tschoeke, M Hellmuth, A Hostmann, Y Robinson, W Ertel, A Oberholzer, CH Heyde: Apoptosis of human intervertebral discs after trauma compares to degenerated discs involving both receptor-mediated and mitochondrial-dependent pathways. J Orthop Res. 2008, 26:999-1006: (IF: 2.9)
- A Hostmann, K Jasse, G Schulze-Tanzil, Y Robinson, A Oberholzer, W Ertel, SK Tschoeke: Biphasic Onset of Splenic Apoptosis following Hemorrhagic Shock: Critical Implications for Bax, Bcl-2 and Mcl-1. Crit Care. 2008, 12:R8: (IF: 4.7)
- T John, RD Müller, A Oberholzer, H Zreiqat, B Kohl, A Hostmann, SK Tschoeke, G Schulze-Tanzil: Interleukin-10 modulates pro-apoptotic effects of TNF-alpha in human articular chondrocytes in vitro. Cytokine. 2007; 40:226-234: (IF: 2.5)
- SK Tschoeke, A Oberholzer: Dendritic cell immunotherapy for acute inflammatory diseases. Current Medical Chemistry - Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents. 2007; 6:161-168: (IF: 4.1)
- SK Tschoeke, M Hellmuth, A Hostmann, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: The Early Second Hit in Trauma Management Augments the Proinflammatory Immune Response to Multiple Injuries. J Trauma. 2007; 62:1396-1404: (IF: 2.4)
- SK Tschoeke, A Oberholzer: Gene therapy for treatment of acute inflammatory immune response. Orthopade. 2007; 36:259-264: (IF: 0.5)
- A Oberholzer, T John, B Kohl, T Gust, RD Muller, D La Face, B Hutchins, H Zreiqat, W Ertel, G Schulze-Tanzil: Adenoviral transduction is more efficient in alginate-derived chondrocytes than in monolayer chondrocytes. Cell Tissue Res. 2007; 328:383-390: (IF: 3.7)
- Y Robinson, M Reinke, CE Heyde, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Traumatic proximal tibiofibular joint dislocation treated by open reduction and temporary fixation: a case report. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2007; 15:199-201: (IF: 2.7)
- Y Robinson, A Hostmann , A Matenov, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Erythropoiesis in multiply injured patients. J Trauma 2006; 61:1285-1291: (IF: 2.4)
- PF Stahel, A Oberholzer, SJ Morgan, CE Heyde: Concepts of transtibial amputation: burgess technique versus modified bruckner procedure. ANZ J Surg 2006; 76:942-946: (IF: 1,5)
- A Oberholzer, P Stahel, SK Tschoeke, W Ertel: Stellenwert der Gentherapie in Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie. Unfallchirurgie 2006; 109:521-527: (IF: 0.6)
- CE Heyde, SK Tschoeke, M Hellmuth, A Hostmann, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Trauma Induces Apoptosis in Human Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Discs. BMC Clin Pathol 2006; 23:6. (IF: 2.2)
- SK Tschoeke, Oberholzer A, Moldawer LL: Interleukin-18: A novel prognostic cytokine in bacteria-induced sepsis. Crit Care Med 2006; 34:1225-1233. (IF: 6.1)
- C Oberholzer, Tschoeke SK, Moldawer LL, Oberholzer A: Local thymic caspase-9 inhibition improves survival during polymicrobial sepsis in mice. J Mol Med 2006; 2:1-7. (IF: 4.8)
- U Felderhoff-Muser, Schmidt OI, Oberholzer A, Buhrer C, Stahel PF: IL-18: a key player in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration? Trends Neurosci 2005; 28:487-493. (IF: 13.6)
- A Oberholzer, Souza SM, Tschoeke SK, Oberholzer C, Abouhamze A, Pribble JP, Moldawer LL: Plasma cytokine measurements augment prognostic scores as indicators of outcome in patients with severe sepsis. Shock 2005; 23:488-493. (IF: 2.6)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, PA Efron, PO Scumpia, K Bahjat, R Ungaro, CL Tannahill, M Murday, FR Bahjat, D LaFace, V Tsai, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer, MJ Clare-Salzler: Functional modification of dendritic cells with recombinant adenovirus encoding interleukin-10 for the treatment of sepsis. Shock 2005; 23:507-515. (IF: 2.6)
- C Oberholzer, SK Tschoeke, K Bahjat, FR Bahjat, M Murday, D LaFace, B Hutchins, MJ Clare-Salzler LL Moldawer, A Oberholzer: In vivo transduction of thymic dendritic cells with adenovirus and its potential use in acute inflammatory diseases. Scand J Immunol. 2005; 61:309-15. (IF: 2.2)
- C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, SK Tschoeke, RM Minter, FR Bahjat, D LaFace, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer: Influence of recombinant adenovirus on liver injury in endotoxicosis and its modulation by IL-10 expression. J Endotoxin Res. 2004; 10:393-401. (IF: 2.7)
- J Feezor, C Oberholzer, H Baker, D Novick, M Rubinstein, LL. Moldawer, J Pribble, S Souza, Ch Dinarello, W Ertel, A Oberholzer: Molecular characterization of the acute inflammatory response to Gram negative versus Gram positive bacterial infections. Infect Immun. 2003; 71:5803-13. (IF 4.1)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, KS Bahjat, R Ungaro, CL Tannahill, M Murday, FR Bahjat, Z Abouhamze, V Tsai, D LaFace, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer, MJ Clare-Salzler: Increased survival in sepsis by in vivo adenovirus-induced expression of IL-10 in dendritic cells. J Immunol. 2002, 168:3412-8. (IF: 5.5)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Interleukin-10: A complex role in the pathogenesis of sepsis syndromes and its potential as anti-inflammatory drug. Crit Care Med. 2002; 30:S58-63. (IF: 6.1)
- A Oberholzer, U Steckholzer, O Trentz, W Ertel: Interleukin-18 plasma levels are increased in patients with sepsis compared to severely injured patients. Shock. 2001; 16:411-4. (IF: 2.6)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, FR Bahjat, CK Edwards, LL Moldawer: Genetic determinants of lipopolysaccharide and D-galactosamine-mediated hepatocellular apoptosis and lethality. J Endotoxin Res. 2001; 7:375-80. (IF: 2.7)
- C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, FR Bahjat, CL Tannahill, D LaFace, B Hutchins, LL Moldawer: Targeted adenovirus-induced expression of IL-10 decreases thymic apoptosis and improves survival in murine sepsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001; 98:11503-11508. (IF: 9.7)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Sepsis Syndromes: Understanding the Role of Innate and Acquired Immunity. Shock. 2001; 16:83-96. (IF: 2.6)
- RM Minter, MA Ferry, ME Murday, CL Tannahill, FR Bahjat, C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, D LaFace, B Hutchins, S Wen, J Shinoda , EM 3rd Copeland, LL Moldawer: Adenoviral delivery of human and viral IL-10 in murine sepsis. J Immunol. 2001; 167: 1053-1059. (IF: 5.5)
- C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, M. Clare-Salzler, LL Moldawer: Apoptosis in sepsis: a new target for therapeutic exploration. FASEB J. 2001; 15:879-892. (IF: 5.7)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, RM Minter, LL Moldawer: Reconsidering immunomodulatory therapies in the septic patient: Should apoptosis be a potential therapeutic target? Immunol Lett. 2001; 75:221-223. (IF: 2.6)
- RM Minter, MA Ferry, JE Rectenwald, FR Bahjat, A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, D LaFace, V Tsai, CM Ahmed, B Hutchins, EM 3rd Copeland, HS Ginsberg, LL Moldawer: Extended lung expression and increased tissue localization of viral IL-10 with adenoviral gene therapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001; 98:277-282. (IF: 9.7)
- A Oberholzer, L Haerter, A Feilner, U Steckholzer, M Kurimoto, O Trentz, W Ertel: Differential effect of caspase inhibition on proinflammatory cytokine release in septic patients. Shock. 2000; 14:253-258. (IF: 2.6)
- A Oberholzer, A Feilner, H Hentze, U Steckholzer, M Kurimoto, O Trentz, W Ertel: Sepsis after severe injury interrupts caspase-dependent processing of interleukin-18. J Trauma. 2000; 49:11-17. (IF: 2.4)
- W Ertel, A Oberholzer, A Platz, R Stocker, O Trentz: Incidence and clinical pattern of the abdominal compartment syndrome after “damage-control” laparotomy in 311 patients with severe abdominal and/or pelvic trauma. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28:1747-1753. (IF: 6.1)
- A Oberholzer, M Keel, R Zellweger, U Steckholzer, O Trentz, W Ertel: Incidence of septic complications and multiple organ failure in severely injured patients is sex specific. J Trauma. 2000; 48:932-937. (IF: 2.4)
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Cytokine Signaling -- regulation of the immune response in normal and critically ill patients. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28:N3-12. (IF: 6.1)
- A Oberholzer, W. Ertel: Abdominelles Kompartment. In „Chirurgie – Basisweiterbildung“. Jauch, K.W., Mutschler W., Wichmann M. (eds), Springer, 2007, pp 341-347
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, LL Moldawer LL: Activation of the innate response in critical illness. In: Immunology and Infectious Disease. Doughty, L.A., Linden, P.(eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 19-40.
- A Oberholzer, W Ertel: Gentherapie in der Unfallchirurgie. In: Unfallchirurgie. Trentz, Wagner, Rüter (eds.), Urban und Schwarzenberg, 2. überarbeitete Auflage, 2003, pp. 493-501.
- A Oberholzer, W Ertel: Das abdominelle Kompartmentsyndrom. In: Intensivmedizin. Eckart, Forst, Burchadi (eds.), Ecomed Verlag, 2003, pp 1-11
- A Oberholzer, C Oberholzer, W Ertel: Immunotherapy: new concepts and agents. In: Sepsis and Multiple Organ Dysfunction – a Multidisciplinary Approach. Deitch E.A., Vincent J.L., Windsor A.C.J. (eds.), W.B. Saunders / Hartcourt Health Sciences, 2002, pp. 326-38.
- C Oberholzer, A Oberholzer, LL Moldawer: Gene therapy for applications for the treatment of acute inflammatory conditions. In: Gene Therapy for Acute and Acquired Diseases. Factor P.H. (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001, pp. 225-46.